Sunday, September 22, 2013

Well, this is it, folks. The release day. The big deal. The thing I have been waiting for since I started writing this monster of a book eons ago.


“Family Flaws” is now available at your local (it’s online, of course it’s local. It’s right in our bedrooms). I sincerely wish to thank everyone who had a hand in helping this book along the path toward publishing. And I would like to extend an extra thousand thank you’s to anyone who may help this book along the way to greatness (by BUYING it, right?) 

For $3.99, who could resist? It wants to be yours! Here, I’ll just put “Family Flaws” in your shopping cart and you can continue on your merry ways purchasing whatever else is attempting to entice you away from my vampires! Good reading!

Also check it out on! "FAMILY FLAWS"

Peace. Yeah, peace.